Hello, welcome to the official website of Shenzhen Hengzhiyuan Supply Chain Co., LTD.

Canadian FBA cargo clearance regulations

time :2022-08-18 author : from: scanning : classify :Company Information
In view of the increasingly strict management of e-commerce goods and non-resident companies as importers by Canadian Customs, the following is explained:

In view of the increasingly strict management of e-commerce goods and non-resident companies as importers by Canadian Customs, the following is explained:

(1) For Canadian FBA goods delivered in the supply chain of Hengzhiyuan, our company will review the information of the shipper to ensure the validity of the shipper company, including relevant company registration documents;

(2) The customer shall provide complete and correct information of the goods. Any omission or misstatement will lead to unpredictable and serious consequences;

Note: Any ignorance and mistakes, will need to pay the price, please be sure to strengthen the logistics personnel management;

(3) Under special circumstances, customers are required to provide AMAZON product links for the customs for reference;

(4) Only non-resident import firms in Canada are no longer able, so they need to sign a document preservation agreement with the customs. If the import firms you apply for in our company have not signed the documents, please contact us immediately to make a supplementary signature; Any company without record/approval may lead to the seizure of goods (including American companies). If our customs clearance bank needs to declare, the risk will be borne by US. The additional customs clearance fee is USD150/ ticket.

(5) The information of the non-resident importer on all import documents must match the information at the time of registration;

(6) Except for the non-resident import companies which have been approved by us, other non-resident import companies shall provide the approval confirmation letter from the Customs, otherwise our customs clearance bank has the right to refuse customs clearance;

(7) Hengzhiyuan supply Chain advises FBA customers in Canada to apply for customs clearance with their own import firms as much as possible.

Special note:

Any non-conforming and non-compliant information, once checked and found by the customs, may lead to the seizure of all the goods of the same customer (no matter which agent arranged the logistics) and customs penalty:

The penalty is as follows:

$100 - $2500 for the first time

$5000 - $10000 for the second time

The third time...

Sorry, if there is a third time, you will directly face cancellation or additional criminal charges.